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our mission

Four feminists in search of understanding the misogynistic biases behind digital literacies. The internet operates in an ableist fashion that excludes marginalized communities from being able to grasp greater knowledge. Our social media presence, our ability to access educational sources, the way we work through the internet in the 21st century shields a secret sexist exclusionary shadow. 


Through our different identities, we four feminists are in search of the UTOPIA of a world without gender bias. Come join us with a nice cup of tea and learn about how you surf the internet based on inherent biases. Together, maybe we can learn how to find our UTOPIA of equality and ways to grow. 

the team



he/him. 19. perpetually angry, and writing about modern society. the two are inseparable.



they/she. 19. more eloquent over text than in person. gets more global news and information from instagram and tiktok than from news outlets.


she/her. 19. follow along as I share my evolving perspectives.

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she/her. 19. learning how my sexuality, gender identity, and disability restrict my internet input and output. 

pseudonyms from feminist icons Ruth Bader Ginsburg, bell hooks, Grace Ji-Sun Kim, Anne Lister
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